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I have followed the posts of a few wigglers who made changes to their user instruments and lost the recording and end-of-loop (eol) indicators. From what I read, their changes have made a big impact on their functionality, but required relatively minor changes to the instrument code. The danish## firmware should allow those indicators to be restored with a minimum (one line!) of additional coding. Here's how:
A) Download the latest version of "danish##" firmware and install it on your module.
B) Open your instrument code in your editor. At the top of the code, you will find lines like this:
C) Insert the following line of code after 'sr,4800' :
Now, the beginning of your file should look like this:
D) That's it! Save your file and install it onto your Neb2 module. If all goes well, you should have the recording and eol indicators working again.
NOTE: If your instrument code contains more than minor changes to the default instrument code, then you may need a more nuanced approach to restoring the recording and eol LEDs. That's a topic for another post.